Name | Description | |
Append | Overloaded. Appends text to this Paragraph. | |
AppendBookmark | Appends a Bookmark to this Paragraph. | |
AppendCheckBox | Appends a CheckBox to this Paragraph. | |
AppendDocProperty | Appends a document property field at the end of this Paragraph. | |
AppendEquation | Appends an equation to this Paragraph. | |
AppendHyperlink | Appends a Hyperlink to this Paragraph. | |
AppendLine | Overloaded. Appends a line to this Paragraph. | |
AppendNote | Adds a Footnote/Endnote to a paragraph. | |
AppendPageCount | Appends a PageCount placeholder at the end of the Paragraph. | |
AppendPageNumber | Appends a page number placeholder at the end of the paragraph. | |
AppendPicture | Appends a Picture to this Paragraph. | |
AppendShape | Appends a Shape to this Paragraph. | |
AppendSignatureLine | Appends a SignatureLine at the end of the paragraph. | |
Bold | Applies or removes the Bold format to the last appended text. | |
Border | Applies a Border to this Paragraph's text. | |
CapsStyle | Applies a CapsStyle format to the last appended text. | |
ClearBookmarks | Removes all the Bookmarks from this Paragraph. | |
Color | Applies the provided color to the last appended text. | |
Culture | Applies the provided culture to the last appended text. | |
CurrentCulture | Applies the current culture to the last appended text. | |
FindAll | Overloaded. Retrieves all the indexes that match the provided search conditions. | |
FindAllByPattern | Finds all unique instances of the provided Regex pattern. | |
Font | Overloaded. Applies the provided font to the last appended text. | |
FontSize | Applies the provided font size to the last appended text. | |
GetBookmarks | Retrieves the list of Bookmarks found in this Paragraph. | |
GetListItemNumber | Returns the ListItem number value that this Paragraph represents. | |
Hide | Hides the last appended text. | |
Highlight | Applies a Highlight color to the last appended text. | |
InsertAtBookmark | Inserts the provided text at a bookmark location in this Paragraph, using the specified formatting. | |
InsertCaptionAfterSelf | Inserts an incremental caption text under the current picture, table or paragraph. (Inherited from Xceed.Document.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter) | |
InsertChart | Inserts a Chart at a specific location in the Paragraph. | |
InsertDocProperty | Inserts a document property field at the end of this Paragraph. | |
InsertHorizontalLine | Inserts a horizontal line to this Paragraph. | |
InsertHyperlink | Inserts a Hyperlink at a specific index in this Paragraph. | |
InsertListAfterSelf | Inserts a defined List after the current object. (Inherited from InsertBeforeOrAfter) | |
InsertListBeforeSelf | Inserts a defined List before the current object. (Inherited from InsertBeforeOrAfter) | |
InsertPageBreakAfterSelf | Overridden. Inserts a page break after this Paragraph. | |
InsertPageBreakBeforeSelf | Overridden. Inserts a page break before this Paragraph. | |
InsertPageCount | Inserts a PageCount placeholder at a specific location in the Paragraph. | |
InsertPageNumber | Inserts a PageNumber placeholder at a specific location in this Paragraph. | |
InsertParagraphAfterSelf | Overloaded. Overridden. Inserts a Paragraph after this Paragraph. | |
InsertParagraphBeforeSelf | Overloaded. Overridden. Inserts a Paragraph before this Paragraph. | |
InsertPicture | Inserts a Picture at a specific location in this Paragraph. | |
InsertShape | Inserts a Shape at a specific location in this Paragraph. | |
InsertSignatureLine | Inserts a SignatureLine at a specific location in this Paragraph. | |
InsertTableAfterSelf | Overloaded. Overridden. Inserts a Table after this Paragraph. | |
InsertTableBeforeSelf | Overloaded. Overridden. Inserts a Table before this Paragraph. | |
InsertTabStopPosition | Inserts a tab stop in this paragraph. | |
InsertText | Overloaded. Inserts text in this Paragraph. | |
Italic | Applies or removes the Italic format to the last appended text. | |
KeepLinesTogether | Indicates if this Paragraph's lines must stay together on the same page or if they can be split over more than one page. | |
KeepWithNextParagraph | Indicates if this Paragraph must stay on the same page as the next Paragraph. | |
Kerning | Applies the provided kerning value to this Paragraph (in points). | |
Misc | Applies the provided Misc property to the last appended text. | |
PercentageScale | Applies the provided percentage scale to this Paragraph. | |
Position | Applies the provided position to this Paragraph (in points). | |
Remove | Removes this Paragraph from the Document. | |
RemoveBookmark | Removes the specified Bookmark from the this Paragraph. | |
RemoveHyperlink | Removes the specified Hyperlink from this Paragraph. | |
RemoveText | Overloaded. Removes characters from this Paragraph. | |
ReplaceAtBookmark | Replaces the text at the specified Bookmark in this Paragraph. | |
ReplacePicture | Replaces a Picture in this Paragraph with another Picture. | |
ReplaceText | Overloaded. Replaces all instances of a string with another string. | |
ReplaceTextWithHTML | Replaces all instances of a string with HTML content. | |
ReplaceTextWithObject | Replaces all instances of a string with an object using the options set via the replaceTextOptions parameter. | |
Script | Applies the provided Script style to the last appended text. | |
SetLineSpacing | Overloaded. Sets the line spacing for this Paragraph. | |
ShadingPattern | Sets a ShadingPattern for a specific paragraph. | |
Spacing | Applies the provided spacing value to this Paragraph (in points). | |
SpacingAfter | Applies the provided spacing value after this Paragraph (in points). | |
SpacingBefore | Applies the provided spacing value before this Paragraph (in points). | |
SpacingLine | Modifies the spacing between the lines of this paragraph (in points). | |
StrikeThrough | Applies the provided StrikeThrough style to the last appended text. | |
UnderlineColor | Applies the provided underline color to the last appended text. | |
UnderlineStyle | Applies the provided UnderlineStyle to the last appended text. | |
ValidateBookmark |