Xceed Words for .NET v4.0 Documentation
Creating a table, inserting rows in it, and filling it with data
Welcome to Xceed Words for .NET v4.0 > Code Snippets > Creating a table, inserting rows in it, and filling it with data

The following example demonstrates how to create a table in a Document, insert rows in it, and fill the table with data.

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    // Create a document.
    using( var document = DocX.Create( "InsertRowAndDataTable.docx" ) )
      // Add a Table of 5 rows and 2 columns into the document and sets its values.
      var t = document.AddTable( 5, 2 );
      t.Design = TableDesign.ColorfulListAccent1;
      t.Alignment = Alignment.center;
      t.Rows[ 0 ].Cells[ 0 ].Paragraphs[ 0 ].Append( "Mike" );
      t.Rows[ 0 ].Cells[ 1 ].Paragraphs[ 0 ].Append( "65" );
      t.Rows[ 1 ].Cells[ 0 ].Paragraphs[ 0 ].Append( "Kevin" );
      t.Rows[ 1 ].Cells[ 1 ].Paragraphs[ 0 ].Append( "62" );
      t.Rows[ 2 ].Cells[ 0 ].Paragraphs[ 0 ].Append( "Carl" );
      t.Rows[ 2 ].Cells[ 1 ].Paragraphs[ 0 ].Append( "60" );
      t.Rows[ 3 ].Cells[ 0 ].Paragraphs[ 0 ].Append( "Michael" );
      t.Rows[ 3 ].Cells[ 1 ].Paragraphs[ 0 ].Append( "59" );
      t.Rows[ 4 ].Cells[ 0 ].Paragraphs[ 0 ].Append( "Shawn" );
      t.Rows[ 4 ].Cells[ 1 ].Paragraphs[ 0 ].Append( "57" );
      // Add a row at the end of the table and sets its values.
      var r = t.InsertRow();
      r.Cells[ 0 ].Paragraphs[ 0 ].Append( "Mario" );
      r.Cells[ 1 ].Paragraphs[ 0 ].Append( "54" );
      // Insert a new Paragraph into the document.
      var p = document.InsertParagraph( "Xceed Top Players Points:" );
      p.SpacingAfter( 40d );
      // Insert the Table after the Paragraph.
      p.InsertTableAfterSelf( t );