Xceed Words for .NET v3.0 Documentation
Replacing Text
Welcome to Xceed Words for .NET v3.0 > Code Snippets > Replacing Text

The following example demonstrates how to replace text in a Document.

The document contains tags that looks like <GAME_TIME>

These tags will be replaced by the corresponding string.

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private static Dictionary<string, string> _replacePatterns = new Dictionary<string, string>()


    { "OPPONENT", "Atlanta Knight" },

    { "GAME_TIME", "7:30pm" },

    { "GAME_NUMBER", "161" },

    { "DATE", "October 18 2022" },


  static void Main( string[] args )



    // Load a document.

    using( var document = DocX.Load( "ReplaceText.docx" ) )


      // Check if all the replace patterns are used in the loaded document.

      if( document.FindUniqueByPattern( @"<[\w \=]{4,}>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase ).Count > 0 )


        // Do the replacement of all the found tags and with green bold strings.

        var replaceTextOptions = new FunctionReplaceTextOptions()


          FindPattern = "<(.*?)>",

          RegexMatchHandler = Program.ReplaceFunc,

          RegExOptions = RegexOptions.IgnoreCase,

          NewFormatting = new Formatting() { Bold = true, FontColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green }


        document.ReplaceText( replaceTextOptions );

        // Save this document to disk.

        document.SaveAs( "ReplacedText.docx" );




  private static string ReplaceFunc( string findStr )


    if( _replacePatterns.ContainsKey( findStr ) )


      return _replacePatterns[ findStr ];


    return findStr;
