Xceed Words for .NET v4.0 Documentation
Welcome to Xceed Words for .NET v4.0 > Code Snippets > Paragraphs

The following example demonstrates how to create formatted paragraphs in a Document.

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    // Create a new document.
    using( var document = DocX.Create( "SimpleFormattedParagraphs.docx" ) )
      // Add a title
      document.InsertParagraph( "Formatted paragraphs" ).FontSize( 15d ).SpacingAfter( 50d ).Alignment = Alignment.center;
      // Insert a Paragraph into this document.
      var p = document.InsertParagraph();
      // Append some text and add formatting.
      p.Append( "This is a simple formatted red bold paragraph" )
      .Font( new Xceed.Document.NET.Font( "Arial" ) )
      .FontSize( 25 )
      .Color( Color.Red )
      .Append( " containing a blue italic text." ).Font( new Xceed.Document.NET.Font( "Times New Roman" ) ).Color( Color.Blue ).Italic()
      .SpacingAfter( 40 );
      // Insert another Paragraph into this document.
      var p2 = document.InsertParagraph();
      // Append some text and add formatting.
      p2.Append( "This is a formatted paragraph using spacing, line spacing, " )
      .Font( new Xceed.Document.NET.Font( "Courier New" ) )
      .FontSize( 10 )
      .Spacing( 5 )
      .SpacingLine( 22 )
      .Append( "highlight" ).Highlight( Highlight.yellow ).UnderlineColor( Color.Blue ).CapsStyle( CapsStyle.caps )
      .Append( " and strike through." ).StrikeThrough( StrikeThrough.strike )
      .SpacingAfter( 40 );
      // Insert another Paragraph into this document.
      var p3 = document.InsertParagraph();
      // Append some text with 2 TabStopPositions.
      p3.InsertTabStopPosition( Alignment.center, 216f, TabStopPositionLeader.dot )
      .InsertTabStopPosition( Alignment.right, 432f, TabStopPositionLeader.dot )
      .Append( "Text with TabStopPositions on Left\tMiddle\tand Right" )
      .FontSize( 11d )
      .SpacingAfter( 40 );
      // Insert another Paragraph into this document.
      var p4 = document.InsertParagraph();
      p4.Append( "This document is using an Arial green default font of size 15. It's also using a double blue page borders and light gray page background." )
      .SpacingAfter( 40 );
      // Save this document to disk.