Xceed Words for .NET v4.0 Documentation
Headers and Footers
Welcome to Xceed Words for .NET v4.0 > Code Snippets > Headers and Footers

The following example demonstrates how to add Headers and Footers to a Document.

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    private void HeadersAndFooters( string file )
      using( var document = DocX.Load( file ) )
        // Generate the Headers/Footers for this document

        // Indicate that the first page will have independent Headers/Footers
        document.DifferentFirstPage = true;

        // Indicate that even and odd page will have separate Headers/Footers
        document.DifferentOddAndEvenPages = true;

        // Insert a Paragraph in the Headers/Footers for the first page
        document.Headers.First.InsertParagraph( "This is the " ).Append( "first" ).Bold().Append( " page header" );
        document.Footers.First.InsertParagraph( "This is the " ).Append( "first" ).Bold().Append( " page footer" );

        // Insert a Paragraph in the Headers/Footers for the even pages
        document.Headers.Even.InsertParagraph( "This is an " ).Append( "even" ).Bold().Append( " page header" );
        document.Footers.Even.InsertParagraph( "This is an " ).Append( "even" ).Bold().Append( " page footer" );

        // Insert a Paragraph in the Headers/Footers for the odd pages
        document.Headers.Odd.InsertParagraph( "This is an " ).Append( "odd" ).Bold().Append( " page header" );
        document.Footers.Odd.InsertParagraph( "This is an " ).Append( "odd" ).Bold().Append( " page footer" );

        // Save the changes to the document

When DifferentOddAndEvenPages is false, the content found in the Odd Headers/Footers is used for both even and odd pages.