Xceed Words for .NET v4.0 Documentation
Adding TextBoxes

The following example demonstrates how to add textBoxes in a Document.

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class Program
    static void Main( string[] args )
      using( var document = DocX.Create( "AddTextBox.docx" ) )
        // Add a title
        document.InsertParagraph( "Add TextBox" ).FontSize( 15d ).SpacingAfter( 50d ).Alignment = Alignment.center;
        // Create a TextBox with text formatting.
        var textBox = document.AddTextBox( 100, 100, "My TextBox", new Formatting() { FontColor = Color.Green } );
        textBox.TextVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
        textBox.TextMarginBottom = 5d;
        textBox.TextMarginTop = 5d;
        textBox.TextMarginLeft = 5d;
        textBox.TextMarginRight = 5d;
        // Create a paragraph and insert the textBox at its 16th character.
        var p = document.InsertParagraph( "Here is a simple TextBox positioned on the 16th character of this paragraph." );
        p.InsertShape( textBox, 16 );
        p.SpacingAfter( 30 );
        // Add a bold paragraph to the TextBox.
        document.TextBoxes[ 0 ].InsertParagraph( "My New Paragraph" ).Bold();