Class | Description | |
AddingGroupEventArgs | Provides data on the tab-group that is being added. | |
FormSelectedEventArgs | Provides information on the selected MDI form. | |
GroupAddedEventArgs | Provides data on the tab-group that was added. | |
GroupRemovedEventArgs | Provides information on the tab-group that has been removed. | |
GroupSelectedEventArgs | Provides information on the tab-group that was selected. | |
MdiFormCollection | Contains a collection of MDI forms. | |
RemovingGroupEventArgs | Provides information on the tab-group being removed. | |
ShowingMenuEventArgs | Provides information on the menu being shown. | |
TabbedMdiManager | The TabbedMdiManager manages the interaction of its associated Mdi-child forms. | |
TabbedMdiTabGroup | Represents a tabbed-mdi tab-group. | |
TabbedMdiTabGroupCollection | Contains a collection of TabbedMdiTabGroup objects. | |
TabbedMdiTabStripAppearance | Represents the appearance of the tabbed-mdi tabstrip. |