This sample demonstrates how to use Xceed Docking Windows in an MDI application.
This sample specifically demonstrates how to:
Create an instance of the DockLayoutManager class.
Create classes that derive from the ToolWindow class.
Add tool windows to the dock-layout manager's ToolWindows collection.
Load and save the state, size, location, and visibility of tool windows using the LoadLayout and SaveLayout methods.
Prevent/allow tool windows from being docked, floating, auto hide, or hidden via the AllowDocking, AllowFloating, AllowAutoHide, and AllowHide properties.
Access sibling tool windows via a tool window's DockLayoutManager property.
The "decisions.gif" image that is used as the default image was borrowed from the Exploding Dog web site located at http://www.explodingdog.com.
C#: Xceed Samples\Xceed Docking Windows for WinForms v[#.#]\CSharp\Imaging\ImagingCS.csproj
VB.NET: Xceed Samples\Xceed Docking Windows for WinForms v[#.#]\Visual Basic .NET\Imaging\Imaging.vbproj