Overload | Description |
ShowPrintPreviewWindow(String) | Displays a print preview in a window using the provided document title. |
ShowPrintPreviewWindow(String,PrintTicket) | Displays a print preview in a window using the provided document title, and specifying a set of print options. |
ShowPrintPreviewWindow(String,Boolean,EventHandler<ProgressEventArgs>,Boolean,Size,Size) | Displays a print preview dialog in a popup specifying the title that will be used as the print-job name, indicating whether the end user can specify the range of pages to print, and providing a callback that will handle the PrintProgression event, the size of the window, and the default paper size, as well as indicating whether the progress window is displayed. |
ShowPrintPreviewWindow(String,Boolean,EventHandler<ProgressEventArgs>,Boolean,Size,PrintTicket) | Displays a print preview dialog in a popup specifying the title that will be used as the print-job name, indicating whether the end user can specify the range of pages to print, and providing a callback that will handle the PrintProgression event, the size of the window, as well as indicating whether the progress window is displayed, and specifying a set of print options. |