Xceed DataGrid for WPF v7.3 Documentation
Detail Data (Master/Detail)

When a grid is in a table-view layout, its data items can display detail data that is usually provided by the detail descriptions defined in the DataGridCollectionView or DataGridCollectionViewSource to which the grid is bound. Each data item in the grid and any resulting details can have one or more sibling details as well as one or more grandchild details. By default, detail descriptions are automatically created for:

Automatic creation of detail descriptions can be disabled by setting the AutoCreateDetailDescriptions property of the DataGridCollectionViewSource to false (by default, true) or by specifying so when creating an instance of the DataGridCollectionView.

How same-level details are displayed depends on their associated DetailConfiguration, which can be defined by a grid or by any other detail configuration. Detail configurations can be automatically detected by setting the AutoCreateDetailConfigurations property of a grid or another detail configuration to true (by default, false), or they can be explicitly provided by adding DetailConfiguration objects to the their DetailConfigurations property (see Detail Configurations topic).


All examples in this topic assume that the grid is bound to the Orders table of the Northwind database, unless stated otherwise.

Example 1: Binding to a master/detail data table

The following example demonstrates how to bind a grid to a DataTable that contains DataRelations that will be displayed as child and grandchild detail data.

The code below demonstrates how to create a connection to the Access version of the Northwind database and create a property named "Employees" that retrieves its values from the Employees data table and to which a child and grandchild detail are added.

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Shared Sub New()
  Dim dataSet As New DataSet()
  Dim mdbfile As String = "Data\Northwind.mdb"
  Dim connString As String = String.Format("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source={0}", mdbfile)
  Dim conn As New OleDbConnection(connString)
  Dim adapter As New OleDbDataAdapter()
  m_adapter = New OleDbDataAdapter()
  m_adapter.SelectCommand = New OleDbCommand( "SELECT * FROM Employees;", conn )
  m_adapter.Fill( dataSet, "Employees" )
  m_employees = dataSet.Tables( "Employees" )
  m_adapter = New OleDbDataAdapter()
  m_adapter.SelectCommand = New OleDbCommand( "SELECT * FROM Orders;", conn )
  m_adapter.Fill( dataSet, "Orders" )
  m_orders = dataSet.Tables( "Orders" )
  m_adapter = New OleDbDataAdapter()
  m_adapter.SelectCommand = New OleDbCommand( "SELECT * FROM [Order Details];", conn )
  m_adapter.Fill( dataSet, "Order Details" )
  m_orderDetails = dataSet.Tables( "Order Details" )
  m_employees.ChildRelations.Add( New DataRelation( "Employee_Orders", m_employees.Columns( "EmployeeID" ), m_orders.Columns( "EmployeeID" ) ) )
  m_orders.ChildRelations.Add( New DataRelation( "Order_OrderDetails", m_orders.Columns( "OrderID" ), m_orderDetails.Columns( "OrderID" ) ) )
End Sub
Public Shared ReadOnly Property Employees As DataTable
    Return m_employees
   End Get
End Property
Private Shared m_employees As DataTable
Private Shared m_orders As DataTable
Private Shared m_orderDetails As DataTable
Private Shared m_adapter As OleDbDataAdapter = Nothing
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static App()
 DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
 string mdbFile = @"Data\Northwind.mdb";
 string connString = String.Format( "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source={0}", mdbFile );
 OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection( connString );
 m_adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter();
 m_adapter.SelectCommand = new OleDbCommand( "SELECT * FROM Employees;", conn );
 m_adapter.Fill( dataSet, "Employees" );
 m_employees = dataSet.Tables[ "Employees" ];    
  m_adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter();
  m_adapter.SelectCommand = new OleDbCommand( "SELECT * FROM Orders;", conn );
  m_adapter.Fill( dataSet, "Orders" );
  m_orders = dataSet.Tables[ "Orders" ];
  m_adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter();
  m_adapter.SelectCommand = new OleDbCommand( "SELECT * FROM [Order Details];", conn );
  m_adapter.Fill( dataSet, "Order Details" );
  m_orderDetails = dataSet.Tables[ "Order Details" ];
 m_employees.ChildRelations.Add( new DataRelation( "Employee_Orders", m_employees.Columns[ "EmployeeID" ], m_orders.Columns[ "EmployeeID" ] ) );
 m_orders.ChildRelations.Add( new DataRelation( "Order_OrderDetails", m_orders.Columns[ "OrderID" ], m_orderDetails.Columns[ "OrderID" ] ) );  
public static DataTable Employees
   return m_employees;
private static DataTable m_employees;
private static DataTable m_orders;
private static DataTable m_orderDetails;
private static OleDbDataAdapter m_adapter = null;

The following code demonstrates how to bind the grid to the Employees property and provide a detail configuration for both detail relations to change their title and the item-container style of the first child detail.

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<Grid xmlns:xcdg="http://schemas.xceed.com/wpf/xaml/datagrid"
    <xcdg:DataGridCollectionViewSource x:Key="cvs_employees"
                                       Source="{Binding Source={x:Static Application.Current},
     <xcdg:IndexToOddConverter x:Key="rowIndexConverter" />
     <Style x:Key="alternatingDataRowStyle" TargetType="{x:Type xcdg:DataRow}">
           <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self},
                                  Converter={StaticResource rowIndexConverter}}"
              <Setter Property="Background" Value="AliceBlue"/>                   
 <xcdg:DataGridControl x:Name="EmployeesGrid"
                       ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource cvs_employees}}"
       <xcdg:Column FieldName="Photo"
                    Visible="False" />
       <xcdg:DetailConfiguration RelationName="Employee_Orders"
                                 Title="Employee Orders"
                                 ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource alternatingDataRowStyle}">
             <xcdg:Column FieldName="EmployeeID"
                          Visible="False" />
             <xcdg:DetailConfiguration RelationName="Order_OrderDetails"
                                       Title="Order Details"/>                   


Example 2: Defining detail descriptions

The following example demonstrates how to explicitly define detail descriptions for the DataRelations found in the DataTable to which the grid is bound and how to calculate statistical functions for a detail description whose results will be displayed in the StatRows contained in the footer sections of the details to which the description's corresponding detail configuration will be applied.

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     <xcdg:DataGridCollectionViewSource x:Key="cvs_employees"
                                        Source="{Binding Source={x:Static Application.Current},
          <xcdg:DataRelationDetailDescription RelationName="Employee_Orders"
                                              Title="Employee Orders">
                <xcdg:DataRelationDetailDescription RelationName="Order_OrderDetails"
                                                    Title="Order Details">
                      <xcdg:DataGridItemProperty Name="UnitPrice" />
                      <xcdg:DataGridItemProperty Name="Quantity" />
                      <xcdg:DataGridItemProperty Name="Discount" />
                      <xcdg:SumFunction ResultPropertyName="sum_quantity"
                                        SourcePropertyName="Quantity" />
                      <xcdg:AverageFunction ResultPropertyName="average_unitprice"
                                            SourcePropertyName="UnitPrice" />
  <xcdg:DataGridControl x:Name="EmployeesGrid"
                      ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource cvs_employees}}"
                      ItemsSourceName="Employee Information"
       <xcdg:DetailConfiguration RelationName="Employee_Orders">
             <xcdg:DetailConfiguration RelationName="Order_OrderDetails">
                      <xcdg:StatRow Background="AliceBlue">
                         <xcdg:StatCell FieldName="UnitPrice"
                                        ResultConverterParameter="f2" />
                         <xcdg:StatCell FieldName="Quantity"
                                        ResultPropertyName="sum_quantity" />                            
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