Xceed DataGrid for Silverlight Documentation
Xceed.Silverlight.Controls Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy

Contains classes related to controls used by Xceed's Silverlight products.

ClassAlphabeticalDataNavigationConfiguration Used to configure the DataNavigationControl to display buttons that correspond to alphabetical keys (A through Z).
ClassAutoSelectTextBox Represents a text box whose content is selected when it receives the focus, performing automatic focus navigation when the caret reaches the extremities of the text range.
ClassCustomKeysDataNavigationConfiguration Used to configure the DataNavigationControl to display buttons that correspond to the keys in CustomKeys.
ClassDataNavigationConfiguration Base class of the classes used to configure the DataNavigationControl.

Provides a data navigation panel containing buttons that correspond to keys, which are used to browse to first-level groups corresponding to the value represented by the keys.

ClassDataNavigationItem Represents an item in the data navigation control.
ClassDividendDivisorToCeilingQuotientConverter Converts two values (a dividend and a divisor) to a "ceiling" quotient.
ClassLicenser Class through which the controls contained in the Xceed.Silverlight.Controls namespace can be registered.
ClassNumericTextBox Represents a control that limits the value extracted from the input text to be a numeric value.
ClassQueryTextFromValueEventArgs Provides information about the value and text being queried when an attempt is made to convert the specified value into its string representation.
ClassQueryValueFromTextEventArgs Provides information about the text and value being queried when an attempt is made to extract a value from the specified text.
ClassRangeDataNavigationConfiguration Used to configure the DataNavigationControl to display buttons that correspond to a range of numeric values.
ClassUniformGrid Provides a way to arrange content in a grid layout where all the cells in the grid have the same size.
ClassWatermarkTextBox Represents a text box that allows the use of a watermark in the editable field.
InterfaceIDataNavigationHost Defines members that can be implemented to provide data navigation capabilities.
EnumerationAutoSelectBehavior Value indicating how the content of an AutoSelectTextBox is selected.
These controls can be used as stand-alone controls by setting the LicenseKey property appropriately. For details, see the Licensing topic under Getting Started.
See Also


Xceed.Silverlight.Controls.v2.0 Assembly

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