Xceed Chart for WinForms v4.4 Documentation
TooltipInteractivityOperation Class Properties

Xceed.Chart.GraphicsCore.v4.4 Assembly > Xceed.Chart.GraphicsCore Namespace : TooltipInteractivityOperation Class

For a list of all members of this type, see TooltipInteractivityOperation members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyIndicates whether the interactivity operation is active. (Inherited from Xceed.Chart.GraphicsCore.InteractivityOperation)
Public PropertyControls the period of time the tooltips remain visible if the mouse pointer is stationary within the chart.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the time that passes before the tooltip appears.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the length of time that must transpire before subsequent tooltip windows appear as the mouse pointer moves from one chart element to another.  
See Also


TooltipInteractivityOperation Class
Xceed.Chart.GraphicsCore Namespace