Xceed Chart for WinForms v4.4 Documentation
XYZ Scatter Point

Welcome to Xceed Chart for WinForms v4.4 > User Guide > Series > XY Scatter Series > Point Series > XYZ Scatter Point

XYZ Scatter Point charts are created by using an instance of the PointSeries object. Both the UseXValues (inherited from the XYScatterSeries base class) and the UseZValues properties must be set to true. The following figure demonstrates an XYZ scatter point chart. 

figure 1.

Notes on Scaling XYZ Scatter Point Charts

Custom X-coordinates (extracted from the XValues data series) are scaled on the specified X-axis (by default the PrimaryX axis), while custom Z-coordinates are scaled on the Depth axis. 

Since both the PrimaryX and Depth axes by default operate in Dimension mode, the user must manually change this scaling mode to one of the value scaling modes (Numeric, DateTime or Logarithmic). The following code will correctly display an XYZ scatter point chart.


' there is one chart created by default

Dim chart As Chart = CType(chartControl1.Charts(0), Chart)


poInteger.UseXValue = True

poInteger.UseZValue = True


chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryX).ScaleMode = AxisScaleMode.Numeric

chart.Axis(StandardAxis.Depth).ScaleMode = AxisScaleMode.Numeric

// there is one chart created by default
Chart chart = (Chart)chartControl1.Charts[0];
point.UseXValue = true;
point.UseZValue = true;
chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryX).ScaleMode = AxisScaleMode.Numeric;
chart.Axis(StandardAxis.Depth).ScaleMode = AxisScaleMode.Numeric;

Please refer to the Axis Scales topic for more information. 

Related Examples

Windows Forms: Series\Point\XYZ Scatter Point
Windows Forms: Series\Point\XYZ Multi Series Scatter Point

See Also

XYScatterSeries | PointSeries