Xceed Chart for WinForms v4.4 Documentation
Sample applications

Throughout the documentation you have encountered various examples that demonstrate how to accomplish specific tasks. Xceed Chart for WinForms also provides a Sample Explorer. 

The Sample Explorer (Xceed Chart Explorer.exe) can be found at in the following location:

<SamplesInstallDir>Xceed Chart for WinForms [version]\Bin\.NET\

The Windows Forms source code for the samples and the Sample Explorer can be found in the following locations: 

C#: <SamplesInstallDir>\Xceed Chart for WinForms <version>\Samples\CSharp\Windows Forms\Xceed Chart Explorer\ 

VB.NET: <SamplesInstallDir>\Xceed Chart for WinForms <version>\Samples\Visual Basic .NET\Windows Forms\Xceed Chart Explorer\

where <SamplesInstallDir> by default is <SystemVolume>Xceed Component Samples under Windows Vista, and <ProgramFiles>Xceed Components under Windows XP and lower.