Xceed Chart for WinForms v4.4 Documentation

Welcome to Xceed Chart for WinForms v4.4 > User Guide > Interactivity > Drag Operations > Trackball

The trackball feature of the control is very useful when you want to allow the end user to quickly take a look at the chart from a different angle. In this mode, the chart will modify the Elevation and Rotation parameters of the View object attached to the active chart. To enable the trackball, you must add a TrackballDragOperation object to InteractivityOperationsCollection. Since this operation is exclusive, it is recommended to clear the collection before that:



chartControl1.InteractivityOperations.Add(New TrackballDragOperation())

chartControl1.InteractivityOperations.Add(new TrackballDragOperation());

Now when the user presses the left mouse button and drags the mouse over the control window, the change in the X direction will modify the Rotation property, and the change in the Y direction will modify the Elevation of the current chart.

Related Examples

Windows Forms: Interactivity\Drag Operations

See Also

ChartControl | View